Why you should get the bump shots - Sydney Maternity photographer

Maternity photography in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney Australia

So, you’ve just found out you’re pregnant with your first bub… firstly, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I’m so happy for you, and I’m not just saying that as some blanket statement, I am genuinely happy for you. I’ve been there and I have a sense of how you might be feeling, which is happy and jumping out of your skin excited… especially if you’re on my page.

When I was pregnant with my first, getting professional photos wasn’t even on my radar and I so wish it was! I couldn’t see it at the time, but I have never loved my body more than when I was pregnant. At the time if you’d’ve asked me I would have said I didn’t like being pregnant, my body ached, I felt disgusting, I couldn’t breath. After though I was really able to appreciate the amazingness of my body. What it was able to do, what it was able to endure and how it was able to bounce back after taking one hell of a beating! And I’ve got absolutely nothing, except some dodgy phone photos, to remember that time.

Maternity photography in Sydney Australia
Sydney maternity and newborn photographer
Sydney maternity and newborn photographer

Another reason I wouldn’t have considered getting photos taken is because every time some well intentioned person would take a photo of me I wouldn’t like how I looked. Now, I am not a vain person, you’ll know this within 5 minutes of meeting me. You can show me a bad photo of myself and there’s a good chance I’ll laugh my butt off, but pregnant Stef is not laughing. I would look back at the photos sent to me with a “look how beautiful” text and think… that is not me! That’s not the person I see when I look in the mirror. Why for the love of all that is holy would you send me this? I’m not being dramatic 😂 But there’s one REALLY important thing to note… your friends and family, as lovely as they are, aren’t professional photographers. They don’t know how to show you in your best light. They don’t know the angles to shoot at and they definitely can’t see when they’ve taken a bad photo. To prove this point *gulp* I’m going to show you some photos that have been taken of me and sent to me by some loving family, thinking they had taken a beautiful photo of me.

No words are needed for this image, and no one should have ever seen this including me.

This is the beautiful memory I have from my first pregnancy 😏 Thank you husband!

If I were ever to get a bad photo of you, no one, including yourself, would ever see it! No one.

I really regret not getting professional photos with my first. My body went through one of the biggest transformations of my life and I didn’t celebrate it. So with my second son you better believe I got it done and as a shy “never nude” you’d probably be surprised to hear that I got my bump out, but I did.

Me and the boy who made me a mum. Thank you Amanda Nina Photography.

And here is one that doesn’t make me want to cry. Thank you Amanda Nina Photography for capturing the most beautiful photos of my pregnancy.

I hope I’ve convinced you to get the photo and get the bump out! If you have more questions or can’t wait to book in, click the button below!


Experience vs Expectations of breastfeeding - Sydney Family Photographer